I use orbital data and code to understand how the Moon changes over time. I am passionate about open source science and social justice. While you're here, you can download pdfs of my papers, check out my free coding textbook SPIRL, or see my current GitHub projects.
Diss.: Eau Claire de la Lune: Clarifying the Origin and Distribution of Water on the Moon
Thesis: Lunar Surface Maturity in Optical Maturity and Rock Abundance
Tai Udovicic, C. J., K. R. Frizzell, et al. (2023), "Buried Ice Deposits in Lunar Polar Cold Traps were Disrupted by Ballistic Sedimentation", JGR Planets, 128, e2022JE007567. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JE007567
McKeeby, B. E., Ramsey, M. S., Tai Udovicic, C. J., Haberle, C. W., Edwards, C. S. (2022), "Quantifying Sub-Meter Surface Heterogeneity on Mars Using Off-Axis Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) Data", Earth and Space Science, in press. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EA002430
Jordan, A. P., Shusterman, M. L., Tai Udovicic, C. J. (2022), "Modeling the production of submicroscopic iron in the lunar highlands", Icarus, 387, 115184. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115184
Farrand, W. H., C. S. Edwards, Tai Udovicic, C. J. (2022), "Spectral evidence for a pyroclastic mantle over the Tacquet formation and Menelaus domes of southwest Mare Serenitatis", Icarus, 382, 115021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115021
Tai Udovicic, C. J., E. S. Costello, R. R. Ghent, C. S. Edwards (2021), "New Constraints on the Lunar Optical Space Weathering Rate", Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL092198. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL092198
Diniega, S., et al. including C. J. Tai Udovicic (2021), "The importance of Code of Conduct policies for conferences, mission teams, and research endeavors", Planetary Decadal Survey White Paper. https://doi.org/10.3847/25c2cfeb.414c64ae
Ghent, R. R., L.M. Carter, J. L. Bandfield, C. J. Tai Udovicic, B. A. Campbell (2016), "Lunar crater ejecta: Physical properties revealed by radar and thermal infrared observations", Icarus, 273, 182–195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2015.12.014
Practical Python, Git and Bash for scientists in a hurry.
Modeling the Effects of Basin Impacts and Ballistic Sedimentation on Ice in Lunar Cold Traps (Talk #1528 )
Predicting Emitted Radiance of Rough Lunar Surfaces to Inform Volatile Distribution (Talk #108-7 )
The lunar space weathering rate: dichotomies in agents and products (Poster #P054-0007 )
Testing Lunar Near-Infrared Corrections with Diviner Observations (Poster #2632 )
Validating a Lunar Roughness-Based Thermal Correction with Diviner Temperature Observations (Poster #P33F-3500 )
Plutopy: Engaging the Wider Planetary Science Community with Open Source (Poster #7113 )
Plutopy: An Open-Source Community for Learning Reproducible Planetary Science (Poster #3218 )
Optical Maturity and Rock Abundance: Dating the Lunar Surface with Remote Sensing (Talk )
A Fresh Look at Aging Lunar Ejecta: Insights from Optical Maturity (OMAT) and Rock Abundance (RA) (Poster #P53C-2227 )
Applications of Solar Wind Particle Impact Simulations at Lunar Magnetic Anomalies to the Study of Lunar Swirls (Talk #2648 )
Developed and instructed labs for AST181 - Introduction to Observational Astronomy.
Developed labs for AST201 - Introduction to Indigenous Astronomy.
Interfaced with deparment leadership, led discussions, and developed anti-racist policies to improve our department.
Mentored an undergraduate performing her first literature review and preparing for graduate school.
Developed and taught Scientific Programming In Real Life (SpIRL). course.
Taught short courses Python for Planetary Science. and Git for Reproducible Research.
Co-organized and gave a talk about space exploration at public International Observe the Moon Night outreach event.
Front-end developer working with HTML/CSS/Javascript.
Modeling ice stratigraphy below cold traps in support of the NASA Artemis program.
Selected grant: "Constraining the Lunar Space Weathering Rate with Remote Observations"
Awarded in recognition of initiative to develop and teach a python class for the benefit of the Department of Astronomy and Planetary Science, NAU.
Voted second best presentation at the 2017 Advances in Earth Sciences Research Conference, Western University.
Awarded in recognition of graduating UC students who have made exceptional contributions to University College, University of Toronto.
Awarded to support research dating the lunar surface with orbital imagery.
Funded summer internship investigating the formation of lunar swirls at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX.
Four-year award supporting finalists of the University of Toronto National Scholarship Competition.